Photo: Končar
Low-floor trains production introduced by Končar KEV, in the presence of the prime minister.
Prime minister Zoran Milanović visited on Tuesday, 16th of December, Končar – Electric Vehicles, where the production of low-floor trains for HŽ Passenger Transport is currently taking place, first of which will be delivered by the end of March next year.
The job was procured by an international bidding procedure, and contracts for 44 passenger trains were signed by the end of January this year. Contract value is 1,63 billion kunas (no VAT).
The delivery of trains is set up in two phases; the first one being the delivery of 20 electric trains and one diesel-electric train, and phase two consists of 12 electric and 11 diesel-electric trains. The trains are a high-tech industry product, developed by Končar – Electric Vehicles, and other subsidiaries of the Končar Group developed the main parts for the said trains.
After visiting the production facilities, the Prime minister said that the first of the trains will be ready for tracks by March next year, and after that, one or two trains will follow every month.
- They are made in Croatia, made by our people, designed by our people, this train represents Croatian know-how, 70% components are Croatian. - he said.
The CEO of Končar – Electric Vehicles Ivan Bahun said that they have a high contract performance efficiency. The Contract was signed 10 months ago.
We are finalizing the first trains, and they are expected to be delivered by the end of March, in accordance with the deadlines. - Bahun said, and noted that they are products with high added value, produced by a very small number of countries where the competition is tough, but export opportunities are enormous.
The CEO of HŽ Passenger Transport Dražen Ratković said to the press: - There will be 12 new diesel-electric trains, which will mostly operate on the northwest of Croatia, and half of the 32 electric trains will operate as city and intercity lines; the other half is regional. This is just the half of our entire fleet, and our plan, i.e Restructuring plan which is currently reviewed by Bruxelles, aims to obtain the same amount of trains by the year 2019.